Photo of two cyclists riding along Meadowlink trail Broadmeadows

Only 16 kilometres from the heart of the world’s most liveable city, Broadmeadows boasts blue-chip infrastructure: two rail lines, and a spur into the former Ford site; the nearby Tullamarine freeway, a ring road, Sydney Road and Melbourne’s curfew-free international airport at its backdoor.  Broadmeadows has the opportunity to evolve into the much sought-after 20 minute city, with new industries and jobs of the future.

The Victorian Government is committed to strengthening the liveability of Broadmeadows by driving social and economic opportunities and the delivery of local projects. This is why Broadmeadows has been identified as a priority suburb to revitalise. Investments in Broadmeadows seek to seize the significant opportunities for government, business and the community to work together to support Broadmeadows to become a vibrant place to live, learn and work.

Broadmeadows has been the focus of several major infrastructure projects over the past decade and there are now several projects currently which have the potential to provide catalytic benefits to the community. These include:

  • $60 million for stage 1 of the redevelopment of the Broadmeadows Kangan Institute
  • Redevelopment of the Broadmeadows Town Hall in collaboration with Hume City Council
  • Broadmeadows Civic Plaza Activation with events and activities
  • Hume Central Market Assessment
  • Meadowlink Shared Path
  • Industry-based Jobs Pathway Program

Photo of Broadmeadows Glass Box building at night

Broadmeadows Suburban Revitalisation Board

The board provides a local voice to the Victorian Government's Suburban Revitalisation program, working with local communities to identify opportunities for locally-led projects to make Broadmeadows thrive.

Questions, ideas and feedback for the board are encouraged and welcome. You can get in touch with the Board by emailing

Download the Broadmeadows Suburban Revitalisation Report 2021-22: PDF or accessible Word format.

Lady planting shrubs in the new community garden at the Banksia Gardens Activation Hub

Photo taken in April 2022 at the Banksia Gardens Activation Hub

Projects funded in Broadmeadows

Page last updated: 16/01/24